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16. 01. 2024

Transforming Spaces, Nourishing lives - The Aller Aqua Zambia's Garden Project


An inspiring story of how a previously unused space has become a flourishing garden, supporting biodiversity and nutrition, and contributing to a healthier planet.

The story began with the vision of Dr. Alexander M. Greilling, the Research Manager and local Quality Assurance Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, alongside his Research Officer, Clinton C. Simunkulya, and the support from employees at Aller Aqua factory in Siavonga, Zambia.

In late 2022, the duo initiated a modest project to reduce the factory's reliance on bought vegetable supplies and enhance its self-sufficiency. By cultivating its produce, Aller Aqua Zambia sought to cut costs and mitigate transport-related CO2 emissions.

The garden, however, has grown to be much more than a cost-saving measure; it is a vital source of nutrition for employees, enriching their diets with a variety of fresh, healthy vegetables.

It started with 38 plant beds but quickly became a thriving ecosystem. By the end of 2023, the space boasted 3 built composts, utilizing on-site materials, a "bee bar" that helps keep the local insect population hydrated, and an impressive 110 plant beds.

The garden's produce is as rich as the biodiversity it is creating. In 2023, the variety of crops included beetroot, carrots, eggplant, spinach, cabbage, chili, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, watermelon, cucumber, rapeseed, green pepper, okra, onions, spring onions, green beans, various spices, and even 11 Papaya and 11 Avocado trees. This garden now yields approximately 5,120kg of fresh vegetables annually, significantly enriching the daily meals of the factory's employees.



At the heart of the project is a show of our culture of Sustainability. The garden effectively reduces transport-related CO2 emissions, recycles waste materials found on the premises for compost, and enhances local biodiversity. Its "bee bar" provides a vital water source for bees, butterflies, and insects. More than 30 insects sometimes enjoy a respite, especially during the hot, dry seasons.

Beyond environmental benefits, the garden has also been a source of employment, creating four permanent jobs. It plays a crucial role in supplementing employees' diets with nutritious, "homegrown" vegetables that are sometimes scarce in local markets. Additionally, it has significantly reduced the costs of providing well-balanced meals in the staff canteen.

2023 was a year of steep learning and growth for the team, who navigated the challenges of building and nurturing this garden and acquiring invaluable knowledge along the way. With this experience, there is confident expectation that the garden will yield even more healthy, fresh vegetables in 2024 and the future.

The Aller Aqua Zambia Garden is more than a source of sustenance; it is a symbol of our sustainability culture, and we are proud of it.