
Aller aqua’s contribution to sustainable aquaculture development

Highlights from the 2nd World Aquaculture Society (African Chapter) West African Region Conference

Aller Aqua, a proud gold sponsor of the World Aquaculture Society (African Chapter) since 2017, played a vibrant role in the recently concluded 2nd West African Regional conference. The event was held at the prestigious Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library complex and the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB) in Nigeria from May 14th to 17th, 2023. The conference, themed "Sustainable Aquaculture Developments for Livelihoods in West Africa," aimed to generate public interest in policy frameworks and foster the growth of the aquaculture industry in Nigeria.

As gold sponsors, Aller Aqua's dedicated teams fully engaged in activities throughout the event. Our exhibition booth served as a hub for discussions with government officials, customers, visitors, and students. We showcased our high-quality fish feeds and discussed our support services, providing valuable insights into how Aller Aqua assists farmers and industry institutions.

One of the conference highlights was Aller Aqua's technical session on fish nutrition. Titled "FIT FOR GROWTH: FEED FOR INTENSIVE FARMING OF AFRICAN CATFISH," the session facilitated active interactions with participants. We presented feeding trials and research results, demonstrating more efficient feed utilization for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and flow-through pond systems.

Furthermore, Aller Aqua conducted a discussion during the industry session dedicated to showcasing our strategic role in supporting aquaculture in Nigeria. We emphasised our core values, aquaculture development projects in Nigeria, and commitment to sustainability as a major component of our company strategy.

The conference witnessed the attendance of esteemed representatives, including representatives of the Former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, the State Commissioner for Agriculture, and other government officials. We were honored to have Prof. Saleh Khalid, the President of the World Aquaculture Society South African Region, and his team members in attendance as well.

With approximately 200 attendees from various states of Nigeria and the West African region, the conference provided an excellent platform to showcase Aller Aqua's high-quality fish feeds and discuss our innovative solutions, activities, and industry support to farmers and stakeholders. The event was live-streamed to accommodate virtual participation, ensuring wider access to valuable insights and discussions.

Aller Aqua's active involvement in the 2nd West African Regional Conference underlines our commitment to sustainable aquaculture development. We are proud to contribute to the growth of the industry in Nigeria and across West Africa as we continue to provide high-quality feeds and technical support to empower farmers and promote a sustainable future for aquaculture.