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11. 02. 2015

Sales Kick Off 2015 in Denmark

From Monday the 2nd to Friday the 6th of February 2015, Aller Aqua held its annual Sales Kick Off in Denmark with 51 participants from all over the world.

Each year Aller Aqua gathers the sales force for the annual Sales Kick Off and this year the event took place at Aller Aqua HQ in Christiansfeld.

During the week several presentations were giving to provide the participants with new information, test results and tools to further improve sales results and aid the day to day work in the different regions of the world. Additionally the motivational speaker Povl Henningsen from Empower came by to inspire, engage and motivate the sales force to a whole new level.

At the end of Sales Kick Off 2015, Aller Aqua handed out its annual sales award. Each year the award is year given to a highly dedicated member of the sales force, who have made a real difference in sales as well as to his/her colleagues. This year it was Hussien Mansour and his sales team in Aller Aqua Egypt whom got the award which was handed out by Hans Erik Bylling, CEO.

The Sales Kick Off was finished off with dinner were there were further opportunity for the participants to catch up, network and share experiences with each other.

We would like to thank all participants for a successful Sales Kick Off and we are all looking forward to 2015.